Archive for Karma

Can you tell me about the karma with my husband?

Posted in Ask Vickie with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on July 17, 2010 by Ask Vickie

I know that I have karma with my current husband but I’m not sure what it is.  Could you take a look at it and tell me what it’s about?

Mary Jennings from Denver, CO.

Mary said this on July 01, 2010 at 9:32 am

Sure.  When I look at both of you I see that you had a lifetime back in the 1600’s where you were married to one another.  He had dark hair and was very lean.  You were about 2 inches shorter than he and wore a head covering on the top of your head that went down over your ears.

In the scene I see he is telling you he is leaving and never coming back.  You are showing signs both of surprise, and fear at being left on your own. The room you are standing in shows that it is one of very modest means with nothing other than the bare necessities.

He tells you that he is leaving you for another and you break out in tears.  You turn and walk over to a pot you are cooking a soup in and lift the lid to stir it.  You leave the heavy iron stirrer in the pot as thoughts and ideas race through your head.  How will I live?  Where will I go?  I have no relatives.  I have nothing.

You remove the stirrer from the pot.  Put the lid back on and walk up to your husband.  You ask for him to hug you and he does so with reluctance not wanting to show any signs that he cared for you.

You raise the iron stirrer and whack him twice in the head before he responds.  He yells and pulls back.   You advance on him and hit him 3 more times in the head before he can react.  He staggers back from you with his arms out in front of him.  He backs into a metal jar on the floor and falls over it.  Landing on the floor smacking his head as it comes down.

You are on him in seconds and continue to beat him to death.  You stand next to him looking down at him.   You put the end of the poker on the floor and position yourself over it as you hold it firm.  Then you allow yourself to fall onto the stirrer and impale yourself.

As you slowly bleed to death you stare at his still body not feeling anything other than deep loss.

Ask Vickie said this on July 01, 2010 at 11:56 am

I knew I killed him.  I’ve felt it since we met.  So now I need to make it right.

Mary said this on July 01, 2010 at 2:03 pm

This is what karma is about.  You did this to me now you get to have the same.  A lot of people believe if they kill you then you get to be killed by them.

But evening the score can be something different then they get to kill you.  You can do ‘good’ karma.  One way of creating good karma is if I killed you I open a hospital and people come in and I heal them.

So take a look at what you can do in this relationship with them and see what would release the karma.  What would you have to do to cancel the debt you have with them?  You have to decide what would be a great positive way of making up what you did in that past life.

Ask Vickie said this on July 01, 2010 at 6:06 pm

I think I already knew before I asked you what I have to do this lifetime to finish the karma.  I just needed to know for sure I had the karma with him.

Mary said this on July 01, 2010 at 8:43 pm

Most people aren’t even aware they have karma with someone.  So for you to know inside you did this is a great place to work from.

Ask Vickie said this on July 02, 2010 at 12:13 pm

Thank you so much.

Mary said this on July 02, 2010 at 7:48 pm

Why do people continue on a path of self destruction?

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on April 11, 2010 by Ask Vickie

When an adult person continues to make bad decisions, even though they were raised with discipline and love, why do they continue on a path of self destruction? Is this a karma thing? Is there anything that can or should be done to get them on a new path?

Sue said this on April 5, 2010 at 10:42 am

We all come with things we want to learn this lifetime. Part of what I’m seeing for this person is partially karma related. But us being human sometimes is more than what we bargain for and we can’t handle it. So we opt out in destructive ways. For some people getting a reading helps a person understand more about who they are and what they actually came to do this lifetime so they can understand that they are doing the best they can.

Ask Vickie said this on April 6, 2010 at 11:30 am

Can I change my Karma?

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on April 6, 2010 by Ask Vickie

I was told I have karma going back to the 1800’s for killings that I did.  I’ve never been sure what karma is and why we have it.

Fred Albion said this on April 03, 2010 at 11:33 pm

Karma is a Sanskrit word that means “action.” Karma has commonly been considered a punishment for past bad actions, but karma is neither judge nor jury. Rather, it is simply the universal law of cause and effect that says every thought, word and act carries energy into the world and affects our present reality. Karma can also refer to the “work” we have ahead of us, which includes lessons from both our past and present lives.

Ask Vickie said this on April 04, 2010 at 9:29 am

Can I Change my Karma?


Fred Albion said this on April 04, 2010 at 9:03 pm

Your soul is on a journey.  Karma can show you where you’ve been and where you might go to learn the lessons you’ve chosen for this lifetime.

Through understanding your unique destiny, you can adjust your actions to either change an ongoing situation, or gain new perspective on a past situation so you can avoid making the same mistake twice. By understanding karma, you can unlock the patterns from past lives and show you how to use the laws of karma to consciously choose a better path for this life and the next.

Ask Vickie said this on April 05, 2010 at 9:29 am

I have had something tickling my ear, is this a ghost trying to contact me?

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on February 9, 2010 by Ask Vickie

I have had something tickling my ear for over a month now.  Is this a ghost trying to contact me?  If so can you tell me what they want?

Sherry Lee from Akron, OH

Sherry Lee said this on February 08, 2010 at 7:41 pm

It’s actually one of your spirit guides.   They say that their name is Conrad and that you actually asked for a guide to come to you because you wanted to change your life but wasn’t sure how to do so.


Ask Vickie said this on February 08, 2010 at 9:39 pm

I actually started to see a hypnotherapist about that time and wasn’t thrilled about the experience.  I need to see what I have to do this lifetime not a past lifetime.

Sherry Lee said this on February 09, 2010 at 10:06 am

Keep in mind that we bring things forward into a lifetime from another one in order to work through karma or to heal something about ourselves.  So one of the ways of finding out what the energy is about is to go back to previous lives.

Based on that this spirit guide has come to you it appears to be the way you are going to find out what you came to do and move forward on your path.  Tune in on him and he will communicate with you.


Ask Vickie said this on February 09, 2010 at 3:25 pm